Hey! Hi! How's it going? Good, me too.
I just launched my IndieGoGo campaign to help raise the funds needed to print and distribute a short run of 'Zig's Journey - A hardcover illustrated story' as a book!
It's a project I took on for Inktober this year, where I wrote and illustrated a page a day.
And now I'm taking the steps towards getting it printed as my first ever printed work!
So if you have a minute to give it a look and consideration, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for you time! <3
Link: https://igg.me/at/zigs-journey/x/19677559
I'm going to pick one of the options for sure. To be honest, I haven't followed your inktober work this time for I felt that there was too much text, but as an independent book it looks cool, so I think I need it )
Ahh well thank you so very much for your support! And I hope you'll enjoy it <3